
Showing posts with the label solitary confinement

Down in the hole

This article was written by Andrew Purcell for the Sydney Morning Herald , and contains information from Paul: Feb. 19th, 2014 Victorian courts have been told of young offenders being held in 22-hour lockdown. What's it really like in isolation? Andrew Purcell looks at the situation in California where prisoners are kept in solitary for years at a time. ''Listen to me. Put away your preconceptions.'' Terry Thornton, a spokeswoman for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, is explaining that reporters often make the same basic mistake. ''We don't have solitary confinement in California state prisons.'' She then describes a penal system in which almost 4000 men are locked up indefinitely in cells the size of a city bathroom. ''There's no sensory deprivation. They go to the yard every day.'' This is for 1½ hours, alone, in a lot with no view. ''There are skylights in all of the Security Hou...

Pelican Bay Prison Hunger-Strikers: Paul Redd

From: Truth-Out , July 13th 2013 By Paul Redd , Truthout | Op-Ed  Prisoners in Pelican Bay State Prison's Security Housing Unit (SHU) are isolated for at least twenty-two and a half hours a day in cramped, concrete, windowless cells. They are denied telephone calls, contact visits, any kind of programming, adequate food and, often, medical care. Nearly 750 of these men have been held under these conditions for more than a decade, dozens for over 20 years. This treatment has inflicted profound psychological suffering and caused or exacerbated debilitating physical ailments.    Ostensibly, these men are in the SHU because they associate with gang members and isolating them is necessary to prevent gang activity and racially motivated violence. But in the summer and fall of 2011, these men, joined by other SHU prisoners throughout California, showed this claim to be the lie that it is. Organizing across racial lines, more than 6,000 SHU prisoners went on h...

CDCR to prisoners: Submit to force-feeding to get demands met

From: SF Bay View, June 29th, 2013 by Paul Redd/Mume, Ruben Williams/Jitu Joka Kambon, Richard Wembe Johnson, Charles Coleman/Ghais As a representative of the Pelican Bay SHU hunger strikes in 2011 and a signatory on the “Agreement to End Hostilities,” I have not written any articles for publication except a few pieces related to the hunger strikes posted on the internet. The reason being I felt our Brotha and the other three main representatives were articulating our peaceful nonviolent united fight to expose and end our torture, inhumane conditions and decades of indefinite long-term solitary confinement. I did not want to occupy more space saying the same things. The main four representatives have also expressed our collective love and respect to all the unbroken prisoners who have volunteered to join this long-awaited united front with the peaceful nonviolent hunger strikes, including our humble respect for those prisoners who weren’t able to partake because ...

Paul's Testimony for the Legislative Hearing on Solitary Confinement, California Feb. 2013

February 8, 2013 To: Assembly Member Tom Ammiano       Legislative Hearing February 25, 2013 From:   Prisoner Paul Redd B-72683             PBSP – SHU Dear Committee Members, Thank you for this brief opportunity to speak via Letter. I understand we only have a couple of minutes in having our letters read which is impossible on PBSP SHU Inhumane Torture Conditions. So I’ll just go to the Main Issues. 1.       My name is Paul Redd, I am a New Afrikan Prisoner serving a Seven years to Life Sentence W. Possibility of Parole on a 1976 Senseless Murder Conviction of a Drug Local Dealer. 2.       I’ve been held here at PBSP – SHU since September 5 1990 To Present except for a brief 60 Days period when I won my SHU Release on December 29, 2000. Only to be Fraudulently placed back into a SHU on March 12, 2001 without Due Proc...